Factory chickens close up

Change for chickens

KFC must help billions of chickens who experience unbearable suffering on factory farms. We handed our 513,000-signature strong petition to KFC on October 16. Join our email list to hear more

Too often the reality behind the world’s favourite meat is unacceptable suffering, which only increases as demand for chicken grows.

Sixty billion meat chickens are raised for global consumption each year. Two thirds of them live in overcrowded sheds or cages often with no natural light or fresh air, unable to peck or spread their wings.

Due to their overgrown size and the speed at which they are raised, many will suffer:

  • painful lameness
  • overworked hearts and lungs
  • wounds including skin sores and burns.

They have no chance to behave as they would naturally, and have no choice but to sit or stand in their own waste before being slaughtered at as young as just five weeks old.

The petition is now closed.

The petition is now closed, and over 500,000 people from 10 countries signed up. Thank you. We are challenging KFC to commit to only buying slower growing birds that have more natural light and space to keep them healthy and active.

What World Animal Protection did!

We handed KFC the petition on World Food Day, 16 October 2018. Sign up to our email list to find out how KFC responds.

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