Mother Pigs in cages on factory farm

Raise Pigs Right

Thanks to 213,000 supporters who signed our pledge, one of the world’s largest pig producers and America’s largest supermarket chain have committed to improving life for pigs.

A life of pain

Given the choice, pigs would spend hours roaming around and foraging for food. In the wild, they’d rest on comfortable bedding made of grass and leaves.

But on factory farms, it’s a different story. Will you tell supermarkets to help raise pigs right?

Mother pigs are stuck in a sea of cages, in vast warehouses. Steel bars separate them from other pigs. To maximise profit, they’re forced to give birth to large litters of piglets, until their bodies are exhausted.

They develop skin lesions, painful lameness, digestive problems and lung disease. Factory-farmed pigs have no joy in their lives. Only pain and suffering.

Results so far  

Thanks to your signatures, one of the world’s largest pork producers, CP Food, has committed to giving pigs better lives. They’re doing by this by getting them out of cages and into groups, where they can socialise and exhibit natural behaviours.  

America’s largest supermarket chain, Kroger, also recently committed to ending the confinement of pregnant pigs in their fresh pork supply chain by 2025. This was the results of more than 72,000 people in the US signing our petition asking Kroger to use their buying power to raise pigs right 

We’re continuing to move supermarkets and their supply chains all over the world to raise pigs right.  

Without your support, none of this vital work would have been possible, and thousands more pigs would be suffering each year. Thank you. 

As we continue to fight for better lives for pigs, we’ll update you with any wins. 

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