Lionesses behind fence

Prioritize the welfare and wellbeing of captive lions

Diseases, injuries, malnutrition and obesity, lack of clean water, and abnormal behaviors like excessive pacing and self-mutilation. These are just a fraction of the negative welfare outcomes associated with the breeding and keeping of lions in captivity.

Diseases, injuries, malnutrition and obesity, lack of clean water, and abnormal behaviors like excessive pacing and self-mutilation. These are just a fraction of the negative welfare outcomes associated with the breeding and keeping of lions in captivity.

In a joint scientific study published in April 2022, World Animal Protection and Blood Lions identified over 170 different physical and psychological conditions as well as a major research gap that exposes the lack of welfare studies on captive lions housed on commercial farms in South Africa

With a substantial captive lion industry of more than 350 commercial facilities holding between 8,000-10,000 lions and the complete absence of scientific welfare studies in that industry, we still don't know the true extent and nature of the welfare issues we are dealing with.

The many atrocities found by the National Council of Societies for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NSPCA), on commercial lion farms during welfare inspections show that we are not dealing with theoretical challenges, but rather a very real and highly problematic situation.


We appeal to the minister for Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment and the minister for Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development to urgently carry out a comprehensive national audit of the current commercial captive lion industry, including the welfare conditions of the big cats involved, in order to minimize unintended negative welfare impacts during the planned phase out of the industry.

To the minister for Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and the minister for Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, we appeal to you to bring more urgency to the progression of the new Animal Welfare Bill by setting some clear and prompt timelines for the development and implementation of this Bill, and to urgently involve outside stakeholders into the process.

You can help

World Animal Protection and Blood Lions urges the public to sign the petition asking the South African Government to finally prioritize the welfare and well-being of captive lions.

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