7 amazing things we achieved for dogs in the last decade
Thanks to your support, we spent the last 10 years fighting to make the world a better place for man’s best friend.
Sadly, persecution and inhumane culling are cruel facts of life for millions of dogs around the world, but there is a lot to feel hopeful about.
Over the last 10 years, with the help of our supporters, we moved governments and communities across the world to create harmonious co-existence between dogs and humans.
Here are just some of the highlights from a very successful decade.
A litter of puppies in Freetown, Sierra Leone (Image credit: Michael Duff)
1. Vaccinated over a million dogs
We vaccinated over 1.6 million dogs across 18 countries on 3 continents, saving countless people and animals from the horror of rabies without the unnecessary cruelty of culling.
2. Educated thousands of dog owners
We ran education programmes to teach responsible pet ownership and dog bite prevention to people of all ages in 16 countries and eight languages. We created the Barkyard app, offering a wealth of dog care information and allowing users to report on their progress vaccinating and neutering their pets. We even published a children’s book in China all about dog and human welfare.
Dr. Emily Mudoga, Animal Companion Campaign Manager, educates a group of local children on how to safely handle animals.
3. United 64 countries to protect dogs
We persuaded both the African Union and the Association for South East Asian Nations to agree to action plans for rabies elimination which include mass dog vaccination and humane dog population management.
4. Saved dogs in Romania
We convinced the city of Constanta to stop catching and killing stray dogs following our rapid response petition. We also helped fund a new veterinary clinic and rehabilitation centre which cares for and rehomes more than 2,000 homeless, sick and injured dogs a year in the town of Cernavoda.
5. Inspired change in Kenya and Sierra Leone
Our work in Makueni county, Kenya, and Freetown, Sierra Leone, has protected hundreds of thousands of dogs from inhumane culling. In Sierra Leone, we continue to support the government‘s rabies elimination strategy and train teachers in responsible dog ownership and bite prevention. Our Makueni project is now being replicated elsewhere by the Kenyan government and we have worked in seven more counties so far.
Eight year old Kimuli Mbondo holds three month old Simba who has been vaccinated, Makueni County, Kenya (Image Credit: Georgina Goodwin)
6. Banned dog cruelty in the Philippines
By working with local partners, we achieved a ban on ‘tambucho’, a shockingly cruel practice where unclaimed dogs in pounds were gassed to death with carbon monoxide from vehicle exhaust fumes.
7. Convinced the world to care
Through our work with the Global Alliance for Rabies Control and the International Companion Animal Management Coalition we have shifted the global focus of rabies elimination away from cruel culling and made it easier for governments and NGOs to undertake humane dog population control.
Together, all of these achievements have brought us closer to a world where inhumane dog culling doesn’t exist.
People are beginning to see that dogs hold the solution to ending rabies, and that our welfare is intrinsically linked to theirs.
With your support, imagine what we can achieve in the next decade. Please join us to ask Nairobi County Government to make rabies vaccinations free
Together, all of these achievements have brought us closer to a world where inhumane dog culling doesn’t exist