Dr. Emily Mudoga

Animals in communities

Hi, I’m Emily Mudoga, Companion Animals Campaign Manager, World Animal Protection

I’ve been championing for the better treatment of the African community dog for the past four years.

Growing up I was always surrounded by pets mainly dogs and cats. My role was to feed them and ensure they were in good health. This inspired in me a great interest for community animals. My desire is to see a future where dogs and humans in Africa live in harmony and in balance with the environment.

In Africa, the dog is a vital member of most households in the urban and rural settings. However due to rabies, poverty and lack of dog welfare knowledge, they tend to be neglected. The opportunity to work for dogs enables me to help improve their lives by educating their keepers and sensitizing the government.

I will be sharing uncut experiences of the strides we are making to ensure a deserving future for these intelligent animals.

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