Edith Kabesiime

Animals in the wild

Hi, I'm Edith Kabesiime, Wildlife Campaign Manager World Animal Protection - Africa. 

I live in Uganda, just close to Entebbe International Airport, the gateway into the world's most fascinating Mountain Gorilla parks in Africa.   

I relish building a sustainable movement of people who care and advocate for better wild animal welfare. Since I was I little girl, I've always adored nature and how it complements our existence. This culminated to a 20 years' career in International development and policy advocacy in the wildlife sector.

My blog will take you through our dedicated efforts to improve the lives of wild animals in the continent and beyond.

When I am not working for wild animals, I go swimming with my son. We also read, learn some IT skills, visit friends, play with our three dogs and do some gardening.  

My favourite quote; 

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."  ― Anatole France.  


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