Dr. Victor Yamo

Animals in farming

Hi, I’m Victor Yamo the Humane & Sustainable Agriculture Campaign Manager  at World Animal Protection Africa Office.

I am a Veterinary Surgeon who has spent a significant proportion of his career life working in various capacities within the African poultry industry. During my 25 years stint, I have had the privilege of working within production systems to improve the productivity of chicken leading to improved food security and livelihoods. Over the last 3 years however, my focus has shifted to improving the welfare of farm animals and specifically chickens.  

I am currently working with African governments to develop animal welfare policies and strategies while updating outdated legislation. I also work with the poultry industry to develop industry standards for animal welfare while engaging consumers and the general public to enable them make the critical connection between the food that they eat and the welfare of the animals during production.

I see this as an interesting, challenging and unique opportunity to not only improve the lives of millions of farm animals in Africa but also impact on food security, food safety and livelihoods of millions of African families.

This blog will showcase various aspects of this work with the hope of enlightening you to become part of a movement that that will make a difference in the lives of animals.

While at it please join our movement to protect animals.


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